The Lurker

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posted by ajf on 2003-10-28 at 01:59 am
Donald Rumsfeld
  • Secretary Rumsfeld: It turns out that its technically correct what the president said, that the U.K. did say that and still says that.

(Meet the Press interview, 13th July 2003, regarding the line The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa. from the 2003 State of the Union address.)

Picture of Nelson Muntz
  • Nelson: Hey, Bart! Your epidermis is showing.
  • Bart: [worried] It is? [checks himself]
  • [the kids laugh]
  • [Bart falls, starts yelling]
  • Nelson: [to Kearney] See, "epidermis" means your hair.
  • [Bart lands with a thud]
  • So technically it's true. That's what makes it so funny. Pardon me a moment -- [at Bart] Ha ha!

(Bart of Darkness)

Related topics: Politics

All timestamps are Melbourne time.